Life is too short for just a few varieties of microgreens!

Here at Mighty Lil’ Microgreens we offer 20 individual varieties + Sampler Packs + Salad Boxes + more!

Click on each microgreen to learn more about it!

Basic Microgreens

The foundation of our offerings are our Basic Microgreens. These are the favorites and the most requested! You can almost always find these at any of our markets! 

Our Basic Microgreens come in small (1.5oz) boxes for $5 and large (3.5oz boxes) for $10

With a mild, fresh broccoli or cabbage flavor, Broccoli microgreens can be added to just about anything. Plus broccoli microgreens are a great source of Vitamin E and Sulforaphane! 

Even if you don’t like broccoli, you’ll like broccoli microgreens!

Refreshingly crisp and almost sweet. One bite and you’ll be hooked!

With a taste almost like cucumber, its perfect for snacking, salads or sandwiches!

The Mighty Mix contains a blend of broccoli, kale, kohlrabi, arugula and red cabbage. Another excellent source of sulforaphane and it tastes amazing! 

Mix it into your salads or add to a sandwich, this one is a favorite!

Add a little touch of spice to your food! Radish microgreens contain the same peppery spice you love from a radish root. Plus, radish is a colorful addition to any plate!

Radish is especially good in sandwiches, especially tuna or chicken!

Hearty Microgreens

Our Hearty Microgreens (also called “shoots”) really add depth to a dish. These varieties also give us such a great yield that we can offer them at a better price, making them incredibly budget friendly! Our Hearty Microgreens are $5 per 3oz box.

Pea Sprouts have a wonderful sweet pea taste! These are so easy to simply snack on and kids love them!

Pea Sprouts are heartier than other microgreens so they are wonderful in stir fries and salads!

With a buttery, nutty taste, sunflower shoots are the perfect snack or base to a salad. 

Even better, they are a COMPLETE PROTEIN so they are the perfect addition to any day!

Large Variety Boxes

These large boxes are sure to please! With multiple varieties and multiple options, these are customer favorites! The Salad Boxes especially make good meal preps. Each 3oz Box is $10 or if you want several, its 5/$45 and 10/$80

Our Mighty Lil Salad Boxes came about because we wanted to make it even easier to get your microgreens in every day. Each box has 9-11 different varieties, already mixed up and formulated to blend perfectly. They are perfect just as they are, or they can be mixed into a larger salad.  We often have a little bit of Salad Box as our veggie side dish for dinner, and they make excellent meal preps!

We offer 4 different Salad Boxes. All include our Salad Base of Sunflower and Mighty Mix.

  • The Original Salad Box is everyone’s favorite all around salad! It goes good with everything and is perfect for bulking up up other salads or eating on its own. Its also perfect for adding to smoothies! It has our Salad Base + Pea Shoots, Cantaloupe, Turnip, Amaranth and Radish
  • The Zesty Mix is definitely a popular choice. With a lemony zest from the buckwheat, a bright tang from the turnip and a soft sweetness from the beet, this box is my favorite to use as a side dish for meals, especially heavier meals that need a light side dish. It has our Salad Base + Buckwheat, Beet and Turnip
  • The Immunity Mix has all varieties selected for their immune boosting properties. This is another great one for smoothies but it actually has a really wonderful flavor too and it’s perfect for adding to a larger salads – or on its own! It has our Salad Base + Borage, Beet, Radish and extra Red Cabbage.
  • The Spicy Mix is just the right amount of spice. I compare it to about a mild salsa, without the Nasturtium. The Nasturtium really adds some heat. Perfect for our spicy lovers! It has our Salad Base + Radish, Mustard, extra Arugula, Chrysanthemum and Nasturtium.

Sometimes you cant just choose one! And thats when you need a Sampler Pack! We offer many varieties of Sampler Packs, although we usually bring the Sunflower/Broccoli/Cantaloupe packs to market, as they are the most popular. We can also make a custom sampler box!

Some Sampler Pack options:

  • Sunflower, Broccoli, Cantaloupe
  • Pea, Broccoli, Cantaloupe
  • Sunflower, Radish, Broccoli
  • Pea, Radish, Broccoli
  • Cantaloupe, Radish, Broccoli


Our Herbivore Boxes started out as an option for our ‘greens loving pets, but everyone loves it so much that its now a regular offering! With Pea Shoots, Cantaloupe and some Mighty Mix (with some added pink Amaranth for fun color), its a crowd favorite! When we have edible flowers available, it gets a couple flowers too!

Specialty Microgreens

Our Specialty Microgreens are either smaller, delicate varieties or they are varieties that we don’t always have in stock. We are always happy to grow them for you, you just may need to special order them. The specialty varieties are also $5 per small box and $10 per large but the weight of each box depends on the variety.

Alfalfa Microgreens are similar to Alfalfa Sprouts, except they are grown out longer and are allowed to leaf out. They have a really nice buttery flavor and all the same health benefits as alfalfa sprouts.

A beautiful and delicate microgreen at only about an inch tall and bright pink! It has a very faint beet-like flavor and is one of our favorites for garnishes. Chefs love it!

Arugula has the same health benefits and a similar nutritional profile to Micro Broccoli but with a nice sharp, peppery taste.  We include this one in our Spicy Mix Salad Boxes and its really nice as a garnish to add a bit of bite to a dish.

We offer 2 kinds of Micro Basil: Genovese and Red Rubin. At markets, you will typically find our “Basil Mix” which includes both! They have a true basil flavor and are a small variety that is perfect for garnishing dishes.

With a hot pink stem and pale green leaves, Beet Microgreens are a show stopper! They have a lovely sweet beet flavor and a delicate texture. A bit hardier than Amaranth and another favorite among chefs.

Micro Borage is made from the immature leaves of the borage plant – which has been used traditionally to boost immunity and help reduce fevers. Mature leaves can be bitter and hairy, but Micro Borage has a softer texture and a wonderful cucumber flavor. A crowd favorite!

Mature Buckwheat plants are grown for their seeds, which is ground into a gluten-free flour. But Micro Buckwheat shares little similarity to that. With 4-5″ long salmon pink stems, delicate green leaves and a citrus flavor, it makes your salad taste like you have already squeezed lemon on it. Its amazing!

We like to call this one “Purple Broccoli” because the texture, size, flavor and nutritional profile are almost identical. However, Micro Cabbage is a beautiful purple color with tons of antioxidants and extra Vitamin E!

Most people know Chrysanthemum for its flowers but the leaves are edible too. Micro Chrysanthemum has a mild butter flavor and the tiny seedlings have a funky shape. They make a fun garnish that won’t affect the flavor of the dish!

Micro Celery mostly tastes like celery, but better! Its fresh and zippy and has no bitter undertones. This one is perfect on a chicken salad or egg salad. The stems are very delicate at about 1″ tall and make the most dainty garnish.

Once you try Micro Cilantro, you’ll never go back to regular! Micro Cilantro tastes exactly like cilantro but its fresher, brighter, light and none of the bitterness regular cilantro can sometimes have. It will also last much longer than regular cilantro! While we recommend eating within 2 weeks, we routinely use Micro Cilantro that is a month old and still fragrant.

Similar to Micro Arugula,  Micro Mustard has a little spice to it. It looks like Micro Broccoli and has similar nutritional properties, but it does have a mustard spice. Not quite as peppery as Micro Arugula. This one also goes in our Spicy Mix Salad Boxes!

Nasturtium is a fun variety. With a sometimes hot & spicy kick to it, its not for the weak. The leaves are round with a scalloped edge on one side, making them a fun garnish! We add a few of these to our Spicy Mix Salad Boxes – on the side so you can decide how spicy you want your salad to be. You can also order these by the box.

Another variety in the Brassica family. Micro Turnip has a bright and sharp flavor. Like a cross between kale and celery. We grow this one for our Original Salad Boxes but we can sell it by the box too.

And don't forget our Pet Products and DIY Grow Kits!